Wednesday 1 May 2013


Well hello there everyone and welcome to the blog that accompanies the Sensual Revolution series of books. It is quite likely that you got to this site either through one of my books or my Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn pages and it sure is nice to meet you here on the blog that pulls everything together!

So I am here to tell you a little about the Sensual Revolution and how Google's terms and conditions affect the things I can post on here.

As I am sure you know, The Sensual Revolution is a series of erotic fiction books which you can find more information about on the Sensual Revolution page. I am mostly writing this initial post to explain about how this blog will work.

Google's terms and conditions mean that I am not allowed to write anything that they consider to be pornographic which is not only fair enough but actually very sensible. You have to be of a decent age to read the books I write as they are very raunchy, but this is a public site and I don't want to put things on here that would be offensive to anyone if they land here by accident!

So this blog is going to be about book releases, things I am doing about the books and information and updates about the characters.

I am an avid Sims player and intend to create the world all of my characters live in and play out their lives on there. I will record this and post it onto YouTube for people to get an idea of how I see the characters. I have already just about created Rose and Josh's house and will be able to update you on their lives as they play out from there by the time the first book is released.

Now you are probably wondering why I have started blogging about the books even though none have been released so far? Well Rose is very nearly finished and I already have most of the stories for the next two books at least in my heads so I wanted to get this set up as quick as possible so that it is all ready when Rose is released.

I wont waffle on any more here but will work on the rest of the site and of course on finishing the book!

Wishing you all your own Sensual Revolution...

Kayler xxx

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